Sigmas in the City is our newsletter publication that showcases what we've been up to, in addition to upcoming events and Soror highlights. Click the links below for published editions.
Voulume 9- Fall 2020
Volume 10- Spring 2021

TUS Entrepreneurs
Our Sorors are doing big things! Check out these lovely ladies who are running their own businesses in addition to actively serving the community as members of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

Andrea Magee
Business Coach
IG: @iamandreamagee
Supporting women entrepreneurs in building profitable businesses and lives they love by providing image consulting and products, business coaching and digital marketing services.

Britni Jackson
Founder of The Write Pitch
IG: @thewritepitch
Are you interested in becoming a freelance writer? Click below to find out how Soror Jackson can help you take your writing to the next level.
Charné Tunson
Soror Tunson works with parents of struggling studnets and students with disabilities to ensure that schools level the playing field to meet the individual needs of the child.
E. Ducksworth & L. Brown
Owners of Bestie Beauty
IG: @bestiebeauty
The idea behind the brand is to make beauty accessories affordable to their community. You don’t have to break the bank to break the internet!

K. Prepetit, A. Magee & B. Jackson
Owners of House of 334
IG: @houseof334
Are you an entrepreneur? Contact House of 334 for services in web design, copywriting, social media, email marketing and more.